• Image of Birth Documentaries
  • Image of Birth Documentaries
  • Image of Birth Documentaries
  • Image of Birth Documentaries
  • Image of Birth Documentaries

***PLEASE CONTACT ME to discuss your due date before booking! I want to make sure I will be able to commit to your date before you pay a deposit.

Non-Refundable Deposit required to book a hospital session with EKP. A full invoice will be sent to you, and you can pay little by little (it keeps track of your balance). Full payment is due on the 1st of your due date month.

You can choose from the following to created a customized Birth Documentary.

$1200 - Hospital & Home Births welcome.
The actual birth: before, during, and after - how ever long that may be!
200+ edited lifestyle image files with printing rights.
Announcement & Maternity sessions are included.
Half Price Fresh 48 Session (I come back after you've slept, showered, and cleaned up after the birth)
$75 credit towards an EKP Newborn Lifestyle session.

📸 FRESH 48
$350 - About 30 min-1 hour.
In hospital once you've settled post-partum.
Family & friends are welcome.
25+ edited lifestyle image files with printing rights.

📽 BIRTH FILM (add on) $300

📸 NICU PHOTOS - $75 (covers my time and cost of daycare - images are free)
Our son was born with complications at birth, causing him to have 2 major surgeries within the first 48 hours of life. He then spent a full month in NICU, before he was released to come home to us at over a month old. I know how stressful and draining those days/weeks/months can be for parents. As a former NICU mom, I also know that as long as those days seem to you now, they will soon be over. Please let me know if you are experiencing NICU with your precious baby, and I would love to set up a time to come capture the start to their life long journey as a gift from our NICU family to yours!

***Please know that birth documentary sessions (photos) can sometimes take 6-8 weeks for completion, depending on my work load and family commitments at the time. Films can take 1-3 months to deliver, depending on the season (fall/holidays are crazy).